Saturday, September 27, 2008

Root Causes of the Current Economic Crisis

To view a short video on the root causes of the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Crisis CLICK HERE.

I recommend you watch through this video, in its entirety, and then rewind and watch again pausing when you need to to read the script sections. Also, take the time to google and research the many points and historical facts brought up in this video. I had originally hoped to take the time to do so myself and write a post to support this video but time is short before the election and the truth is my time is very strained at the moment.

Then share this post or the link to the video with as many friends as you can think of. We need to educate ourselves as to the true history of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it. We are on the edge of doing worse than repeating history - we are on the edge of selling our future, our children's future and even our children's children's future - down the toilet.

MY APOLOGIES this video is no longer available. Such a shame as it was filled with many researchable points that can easily be proved or disproved - simply through a little research.

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